502 Area Code 502 - Map, Time zone with Zip codes by Area Code Lookup USA | |||||
SL No. | City | County | State | Country | Zip Code |
1 | Bagdad | Shelby County | 502 | USA | 40003 |
2 | Bardstown | Nelson County | 502 | USA | 40004 |
3 | Bedford | Trimble County | 502 | USA | 40006 |
4 | Bethlehem | Henry County | 502 | USA | 40007 |
5 | Bloomfield | Nelson County | 502 | USA | 40008 |
6 | Buckner | Oldham County | 502 | USA | 40010 |
7 | Campbellsburg | Henry County | 502 | USA | 40011 |
8 | Chaplin | Nelson County | 502 | USA | 40012 |
9 | Coxs Creek | Nelson County | 502 | USA | 40013 |
10 | Deatsville | Nelson County | 502 | USA | 40013 |
As per the American Area code System, area code 502 serves the central Kentucky, majorly Louisville and currently covering 15 counties. The United States being one of the largest countries has a huge number of states and cities, in order to serve its people better the North American Area Code has divided different regions and assigned them with unique area codes hence it becomes easier for people to call the correct city and the answer to the questions like what area code is 502 becomes easier.
How to call Louisville in the US from any countryThe area code 502 is currently serving 15 counties of Kentucky namely Trimble, Shelby, Jefferson, Carroll, Spencer, Scott, Bullitt, Anderson, Owen, Nelson, Hardin, Oldham and Harrison. The area code was brought into effect in the year 1947 and was one among the original area codes. Area code 502 being located on the Eastern Time Zone follows the similar time as that of New York.
Where is 502 Area Code and City using this dialling code?The below listed cities are served by the area code 502 - Frankfort, Louisville, Shepherdsville, Lawrenceburg, Bardstown, Georgetown, Fairdale, Hillview, Mount Washington and Shelbyville.
About Area Code, Dialling Code 502, USA?An area code is a special and unique code given to all the cities. These codes need to be added before the telephone number, otherwise the call won’t be initiated. An area code helps determine a person that where is he/she getting a call from. Every city in the United States has its own unique area code. An area code consists of three unique digits. So if you are searching for “what is my area code” “where is area code” or “Area Code list” or “reverse phone lookup” in 502 USA
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Area code or Dialing code is the 3 digit code=Area Code 502, which is used before any phone number and it varies from area to area. There might be 1 or more area codes in an area or 1 area code can be used for more than 1 city. As there are so many area codes, it is hard to remember What Area Code is 502 or Where is Area Code 502. To find the specific results for Area Codes, you need to be specific with you searches=502 Area Codes and 502 Area Code Lookup and to get specific results related to maps of any area. Again be specific with your search=Area Code 502 Map,502 Area Code Map or502 Area Code Map.
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