715 Area Code 715 - Map, Time zone with Zip codes by Area Code Lookup USA | |||||
SL No. | City | County | State | Country | Zip Code |
1 | Amery | Polk County | 715 | USA | 54001 |
2 | Deronda | Polk County | 715 | USA | 54001 |
3 | Joel | Polk County | 715 | USA | 54001 |
4 | Little Falls | Polk County | 715 | USA | 54001 |
5 | Range | Polk County | 715 | USA | 54001 |
6 | Wanderoos | Polk County | 715 | USA | 54001 |
7 | Baldwin | Saint Croix County | 715 | USA | 54002 |
8 | Erin Prairie | Saint Croix County | 715 | USA | 54002 |
9 | Rush River | Saint Croix County | 715 | USA | 54002 |
10 | Beldenville | Pierce County | 715 | USA | 54003 |
Where is Area Code 715 location?
715 is the telephone Area code is found in the state of Wisconsin, US. The Area codes 715 and 534 serve the northern portion of the State Of Wisconsin. The main area code 715 was created along with area Code 414 as original area codes for the whole state in January 1947.
How to call Wisconsin City in United States from any country?
What area code is 715?
Area Code 715 is the only area code which never got split owing to low population density of northern Wisconsin. In 2010, due to near saturation 715, Area Code 534 was created as a overlay to serve this area.
Where is 715 Area Code and Cities using this dialling code?
Area codes 715 along with 534 serve telephone subscribers of as many as 38 counties. Some of the prominent cities served by these two codes include Eau Claire, Stevens Points, Wausau and many smaller communities.
An area code is a special and unique code given to all the cities. These codes need to be added before the telephone number, otherwise the call won’t be initiated. An area code helps determine a person that where is he/she getting a call from. Every city in the United States has its own unique area code. An area code consists of three unique digits. So if you are searching for “what is my area code” “where is area code” or “Area Code list” or “reverse phone lookup” in 715 USA
Get Area Code List, Reverse Phone Lookup, Area Code Lookup, Area Code Map
Area code or Dialing code is the 3 digit code=Area Code 715, which is used before any phone number and it varies from area to area. There might be 1 or more area codes in an area or 1 area code can be used for more than 1 city. As there are so many area codes, it is hard to remember What Area Code is 715 or Where is Area Code 715. To find the specific results for Area Codes, you need to be specific with you searches=715 Area Codes and 715 Area Code Lookup and to get specific results related to maps of any area. Again be specific with your search=Area Code 715 Map,715 Area Code Map or715 Area Code Map.
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